I can not even begin to express how crazy it is to me the hate c-section Mamas get. I have seen comments on social media saying the most hateful things like “you did not try hard enough” or “you can not call a cesarean a birth, it is just an extraction” or even “you took the easy way out.”
1.) You did not fail.
You did not fail because you ended up with a c-section. A cesarean is an important intervention and a blessing for many women and babies. It saves lives and keeps both Mama and baby safe. Whether you did not progress, you had a breech baby, you had multiples, whatever it was, you did not fail.
Say “I did not fail.”
2.) You are a strong bad ass warrior.
It takes a strong person to lay there awake while just over the paper curtain doctors cut you open and pull your guts out. If you do not think going through that, and then taking care of a baby makes you a strong bad ass then I do not know what will. Seriously just think about that- they cut through FIVE layers of your freakin body and then you got up and peed that day or the next day and took care of another human. That’s actually insane. You are amazing! Nothing short of a badass and do not forget it.
Say “I am a strong bad ass warrior.”
3.) You are just as bonded to your baby as Mom’s that delivered vaginally.
I saw a TikTok where a Mom was claiming that you are not as bonded to your baby if you have cesarean, and I am sorry, that’s just absurd. The second I saw her little face I would have done anything for her. I felt love like I have never felt before, my heart was bursting at the seams! I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter which hole on your body your baby exits, your love is still unconditional. It does not change anything. I mean seriously think about that. It’s not even rational.
Say “I have an unbreakable bond with my baby.”
4.) Your birth is valid.
You are not less of a mother because you didn’t push the kid out your vag. Again, listen to that statement. Does pushing the kid out make you more worthy? You felt pressure while they shifted your guts. You felt the discomfort of birth. It was different, and the intense pain delayed, but c-section Mamas are a special type of badass. You worked to deliver that baby, and recovery was not fun either. Do not let anyone diminish the value of your birth.
Say, “My birth is valid.”
5.) Your birth was beautiful.
The birth of my daughter was beautiful. The relief that we were both okay, and that she was here, earth side was everything I could ever hope for. The beauty of the moment when she came into this world was not less than when a baby that comes into the world vaginally. She was lifted into the air, and as I watched her take her first breath and cry her first cry it brought tears to my eyes That moment was the best moment of my entire life. As I held her to my chest while they stitched me up was equally beautiful. For that moment I felt so warm, joyful, relieved, and grateful as time stood still.
Say “My birth was beautiful.”
I want to share a reel I made on Instagram that featured the beauty of the birth of my daughter.
For later-
I created this graphic for you to save to your phone, share on social media, or pin on pinterest for later!